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Can a 7 inch windshield crack be repaired?

Can a 7 inch windshield crack be repaired? – OEM Auto Glass


Dealing with a windshield crack can be a frustrating experience. Whether it’s due to a rock hitting your windshield while driving, extreme temperature changes, or a collision, a cracked windshield not only affects the aesthetics of your vehicle but can also compromise your safety on the road. One common question that arises when faced with a crack is whether it can be repaired, particularly if it’s a 7 inch windshield crack. In this article, we’ll explore the possibilities of repairing a 7 inch windshield crack and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your windshield’s condition.

Table of Contents

  • Can a 7 inch windshield crack be repaired?
  • Factors determining repairability
  • Benefits of repairing a windshield crack
  • When to consider windshield replacement
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Conclusion

Can a 7 inch windshield crack be repaired?

Whether or not a 7 inch windshield crack can be repaired depends on several factors. While there are general guidelines for determining repairability, it’s important to consult with a professional auto glass technician to assess the specific condition of your windshield. They will consider the following factors:

1. Location of the crack

The location of the crack plays a significant role in determining whether it can be repaired. If the crack is located in the driver’s line of sight, it may not be repairable as it can impair visibility. Additionally, if the crack extends to the edge of the windshield, it may compromise the structural integrity of the glass, making repair impossible.

2. Size of the crack

A 7 inch windshield crack is relatively large, and repairability depends on the extent of the damage. In general, cracks smaller than 6 inches in length and chips smaller than a quarter can be repaired. However, if the crack is longer than 6 inches, it may require windshield replacement.

3. Depth of the crack

The depth of the crack is another important consideration. Surface-level cracks that do not penetrate the inner layer of the windshield are more likely to be repairable. Deeper cracks that penetrate multiple layers of glass may require replacement.

4. Age and condition of the windshield

The age and condition of the windshield also impact repairability. If your windshield has previously undergone repairs or is severely damaged, it may not be suitable for further repairs. Additionally, if the crack is accompanied by other significant damage, such as large chips or extensive spiderweb cracks, replacement may be necessary.

Factors determining repairability

When determining the repairability of a 7 inch windshield crack, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Size of the crack: Cracks smaller than 6 inches are generally repairable.
  • Depth of the crack: Surface-level cracks are more likely to be repairable.
  • Location of the crack: Cracks in the driver’s line of sight and those that extend to the edge of the windshield may not be repairable.
  • Age and condition of the windshield: Previously repaired windshields and those with extensive damage may not be suitable for further repairs.

Benefits of repairing a windshield crack

Repairing a windshield crack has several benefits:

  • Cost savings: Repairing a crack is often more cost-effective than replacing the entire windshield.
  • Time savings: Repairing a crack can be done in a relatively short amount of time, allowing you to get back on the road quickly.
  • Safety: Repairing a crack restores the structural integrity of the windshield, ensuring it can withstand impacts and protect you in the event of an accident.
  • Environmentally friendly: Repairing a crack reduces waste by extending the lifespan of the windshield.

When to consider windshield replacement

In some cases, windshield replacement may be necessary:

  • The crack is longer than 6 inches.
  • The crack is in the driver’s line of sight.
  • The crack extends to the edge of the windshield.
  • The crack is accompanied by other extensive damage.
  • The windshield has previously undergone repairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a 7 inch windshield crack spread?

Yes, a 7 inch windshield crack can spread over time due to various factors such as temperature changes, road vibrations, and further impacts. It’s important to address the crack as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading further.

How much does it cost to repair a 7 inch windshield crack?

The cost of repairing a 7 inch windshield crack can vary depending on various factors such as the location, depth, and extent of the damage. It’s best to consult with a professional auto glass technician for an accurate assessment and cost estimate.

Can I drive with a 7 inch windshield crack?

Driving with a 7 inch windshield crack is not recommended as it compromises the structural integrity of the glass and may impair your visibility. It’s important to address the crack promptly to ensure your safety on the road.


In conclusion, whether a 7 inch windshield crack can be repaired depends on various factors such as the location, size, depth, and condition of the crack. Consulting with a professional auto glass technician is crucial for an accurate assessment and recommendation. Repairing a windshield crack offers cost and time savings, as well as improved safety. However, if the crack is extensive or compromises visibility, windshield replacement may be necessary. Remember, addressing a crack promptly is essential to prevent further damage and ensure your safety on the road.